Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Various organizational police functions (local, state, federal) Essay

Different authoritative police capacities (neighborhood, state, government) - Essay Example Nearby cops: secure violators; save harmony; forestall wrongdoing; uphold the law; ensure human life and property; and serve general society (Johnson and Cox III, 2004). As per Shane (2010), the capacities above contrast from each other progressively [roles and powers are relegated to these levels hierarchically]. Government police offices uphold specific kinds of bureaucratic laws, state officials implement state laws, and neighborhood cops work at the region level. In regard to the prior, a government specialist has ward over the whole nation, while a nearby police operator has his locale restricted to his town, city or area. A state police operator has purview over a whole state. There is no better answer for the way the current law implementation framework works at each level on the grounds that the various leveled plan of the security frameworks takes into account precise circulation of jobs and obligations, and in this manner extirpating disarray and superimposition of jobs. In like manner, with this current framework, peace can be adequately and proficiently released, since there is stream of progressive system. For example, government offices, for example, the FBI can without much of a stretch secure a criminal by following up on reports from state

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Vampire Diaries The Fury Chapter Nine Free Essays

string(82) as it flicked its eyes toward the window and afterward back to Margaret’s face. â€Å"Well, at any rate I didn’t get taken over,† Bonnie said. â€Å"But I’m tired of this clairvoyant stuff in any case; I’m tired of the entire thing. That was the last time, completely the last. We will compose a custom paper test on The Vampire Diaries: The Fury Chapter Nine or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now † â€Å"All right,† said Elena, getting some distance from the mirror, â€Å"let’s talk about something different. Did you discover anything out today?† â€Å"I chatted with Alaric, and he’s having another social affair next week,† Bonnie answered. â€Å"He asked Caroline and Vickie and me in the event that we needed to be entranced to assist us with managing what’s been occurring. In any case, I’m sure he isn’t the Other Power, Elena. He’s too nice.† Elena gestured. She’d reconsidered about her doubts of Alaric herself. Not on the grounds that he was decent, but since she had gone through four days in his upper room sleeping. Would the Other Power truly have let her stay there safe? Obviously, Damon had said he’d impacted Alaric to overlook that she was up there, yet would the Other Power have capitulated to Damon’s impact? Shouldn’t it be very solid? Except if its Powers had incidentally worn out, she thought out of nowhere. The way Stefan’s were wearing out at this point. Or on the other hand except if it had just been claiming to be impacted. â€Å"Well, we won’t check him off the rundown just yet,† she said. â€Å"We’ve got the chance to be cautious. Shouldn't something be said about Mrs. Blossoms? Did you discover anything about her?† â€Å"No luck,† said Meredith. â€Å"We went to the boardinghouse at the beginning of today, yet she didn’t answer the entryway. Stefan said he’d attempt to follow her down in the afternoon.† â€Å"If someone would just welcome me in there, I could watch her, too,† Elena said. â€Å"I feel like I’m the only one not busy. I think†¦Ã¢â‚¬  She delayed a second, considering, and afterward stated, â€Å"I think I’ll pass by home-by Aunt Judith’s, I mean. Possibly I’ll discover Robert staying nearby in the brambles or something.† â€Å"We’ll go with you,† Meredith said. â€Å"No, it’s better for me to do only it. Truly, it is. I can be exceptionally subtle these days.† â€Å"Then accept your own recommendation and be cautious. It’s as yet snowing hard.† Elena gestured and dropped over the windowsill. As she moved toward her home, she saw that a vehicle was simply pulling out of the carport. She dissolved into the shadows and viewed. The headlights lit up a creepy winter sight: the neighbors’ dark beetle tree, similar to an exposed extended outline, with a white owl sitting in it. As the vehicle thundered past, Elena remembered it. Robert’s blue Oldsmobile. Presently, that was intriguing. She had a desire to tail him, yet a more grounded inclination to check the house, ensure everything was okay. She orbited it subtly, inspecting windows. The yellow chintz blinds at the kitchen window were circled back, uncovering a splendid segment of kitchen inside. Auntie Judith was shutting the dishwasher. Had Robert come to supper? Elena pondered. The yellow chintz blinds at the kitchen window were circled back, uncovering a splendid segment of kitchen inside. Auntie Judith was shutting the dishwasher. Had Robert come to supper? Elena pondered. Elena wished she could see something beyond her aunt’s profile in the flashing light of the TV. It gave her a weird inclination to see this room, realizing that she could just look and not go in. To what extent had it been since she understood what a decent room it was? The old mahogany whatnot, swarmed with china and crystal, the Tiffany light on the table close to Aunt Judith, the needlepoint pads on the sofa, all appeared to be valuable to her now. Remaining outside, feeling the padded stroke of the snow on the rear of her neck, she wished she could go in only for a second, only for a brief period. Auntie Judith’s head was tilting back, her eyes closing. Elena inclined her temple against the window, at that point gradually dismissed. She climbed the quince tree outside her own room, however to her failure the window ornaments were closed tight. The maple tree outside Margaret’s room was delicate and harder to climb, yet once she got up she had a decent view; these blinds were fully open. Margaret was sleeping with the bedcovers attracted up to her jaw, her mouth open, her pale hair spread out like a fan on the cushion. Hi, child, Elena thought and gulped back tears. It was such a pleasantly honest scene: the nightlight, the young lady in bed, the toys on the racks overseeing her. Also, here came a little white cat cushioning through the open way to finish the image, Elena thought. Snowball hopped onto Margaret’s bed. The little cat yawned, demonstrating a minuscule pink tongue, and extended, showing smaller than usual hooks. At that point it strolled gently over to remain on Margaret’s chest. Something shivered at the underlying foundations of Elena’s hair. She didn’t know whether it was some new hunter’s sense or sheer instinct, yet out of nowhere she was apprehensive. There was risk in that room. Margaret was at serious risk. The cat was all the while remaining there, tail washing to and fro. And at the same time Elena acknowledged what it resembled. The pooches. It looked the way Chelsea had taken a gander at Doug Carson before she thrusted at him. Goodness, God, the town had isolated the canines, yet no one had pondered the felines. Elena’s mind was working at top speed, yet it wasn’t helping her. It was just blazing pictures of what a feline could do with bended hooks and needle-sharp teeth. Furthermore, Margaret simply lay there breathing delicately, unmindful of any risk. The hide on Snowball’s back was rising, her tail growing like a jug brush. Her ears smoothed and she opened her mouth in a quiet murmur. Her eyes were fixed on Margaret’s face only the way Chelsea’s had been on Doug Carson’s. Margaret’s face only the way Chelsea’s had been on Doug Carson’s. In any case, the day off, similar to a cover around her, appeared to stifle the words into nothingness. A low, harsh cry was begun in Snowball’s throat as it flicked its eyes toward the window and afterward back to Margaret’s face. You read The Vampire Diaries: The Fury Chapter Nine in classification Exposition models â€Å"Margaret, wake up!† Elena yelled. At that point, similarly as the cat pulled back a bended paw, she gave herself wholeheartedly to the window. She never knew, later, how she figured out how to hold tight. There was no space to stoop on the ledge, yet her fingernails sank into the delicate old wood of the packaging, and the toe of one boot stuck into a solid footing underneath. She hit against the window with her body weight, yelling. â€Å"Get away from her! Wake up, Margaret!† Margaret’s eyes flew open and she sat up, tossing Snowball in reverse. The kitten’s paws trapped in the eyelet cover as it mixed to right itself. Elena yelled once more. â€Å"Margaret, get off the bed! Open the window, quick!† Margaret’s four-year-old face was brimming with sluggish amazement, however no dread. She got up and lurched toward the window while Elena gritted her teeth. â€Å"That’s it. Great girl†¦ now state, ‘Come in.’ Quick, state it!† â€Å"Come in,† Margaret said faithfully, squinting and venturing back. The little cat sprang out as Elena fell in. She made a get for it, however it was excessively quick. Once outside it coasted over the maple branches without hardly lifting a finger and jumped down into the day off. A little hand was pulling at Elena’s sweater. â€Å"You came back!† Margaret stated, embracing Elena’s hips. â€Å"I missed you.† â€Å"Oh, Margaret, I missed you-† Elena started, and afterward solidified. Auntie Judith’s voice sounded from the highest point of the steps. â€Å"Margaret, would you say you are wakeful? What’s going on in there?† Elena had just a moment to settle on her choice. â€Å"Don’t advise her I’m here,† she murmured, dropping to her knees. â€Å"It’s a mystery; do you get it? Let's assume you allowed the kitty to kitty, however don’t advise her I’m here.† There wasn’t time for any more; Elena jumped under the bed and asked. From under the residue unsettle, she watched Aunt Judith’s loading feet come into the room. She squeezed her face into the planks of flooring, not relaxing. â€Å"Margaret! What are you doing up? Please, let’s get you back in bed,† Aunt Judith’s voice stated, and afterward the bed squeaked with Margaret’s weight and Elena heard the commotions of Aunt Judith’s complaining with the spreads. â€Å"Your hands are freezing. What in heaven's name is the window doing open?† â€Å"And now there’s snow everywhere throughout the floor. I can’t accept this†¦ Don’t you open it up once more, do you hear me?† somewhat more clamoring and the stocking feet went out once more. The entryway shut. Elena wriggled out. â€Å"Good girl,† she murmured as Margaret sat up. â€Å"I’m glad for you. Presently tomorrow you reveal to Aunt Judith that you need to part with your kitty. Reveal to her it terrified you. I know you don’t need to†-she set up a hand to stop the howl that was assembling on Margaret’s lips-â€Å"but you need to. Since I’m revealing to you that kitty will hurt you in the event that you keep it. You don’t need to get injured, do you?† â€Å"No,† said Margaret, her blue eyes filling. â€Å"But-â€Å" â€Å"And you don’t need the kitty to hurt Aunt Judith, either, isn't that right? You reveal to Aunt Judith you can’t have a cat or a doggy or even a flying creature until-well, for some time. D

Monday, August 17, 2020

Ford Motors Marketing Strategy

Ford Motors Marketing Strategy Ford Motors Marketing Strategy Home›Marketing Posts›Ford Motors Marketing Strategy Marketing PostsIntroductionMarketing: Is defined as a managerial function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and deliver values to clients managing customers’ relationships in ways that promote the institute and the stakeholders. Marketing is derived from its original meaning of going to a marketplace to purchase or sell commodities or services.Marketing is defined by the agreement of Institute of promotion as the management course responsible for categorizing, foreseeing and satisfying consumer necessities beneficially”Marketing activities are often seen as imaginative business in the history, including advertising, distribution, and promotion and selling.In marketing there is always achieving organizational goals and this depends on knowing the requirements and needs of the market targeted and deliver the preferred satisfactions. For one to meet the organizational goals, an organization should expect the wants and needs of customers and satisfy them very effectively than competitors.Marketing is used to recognize the buyer, gratify the customer, and hold the client. With the customer as the focal point of its activities, Marketing is evolved to meet the status in developing new markets as a result of mature markets.Information system (IS): This is a combination of information technology and peoples activities by use of knowledge to sustain operations, organization, and managerial.In wide sense, information system is regularly used to refer to the communication among people, data, technology and algorithmic processes, in this sense. Furthermore, the expression is a used in the way how which people interrelate with these technologies in support of processes the process of trade. (Chappell, 2005)Why to spend days and nights on research if is eager to assist you? If academic research is too complex for you, do not hesitate to contac t us at and buy a research paper according to your expectations.Information systems and    information technology are two different things though usually confusing, Information system IS normally has an ICT component. It is also different from business processes. Information systems is used to manage the business performance processesIS can be termed as work system type   which is a scheme in which humans and machinery do work using resources like ICT to make precise goods and services for consumers. It is therefore a work system whose activities are dedicated to dispensation of information.BackgroundThe company Ford Motor is an American international automaker situated in Michigan a suburb of Detroit and Dearborn. It was founded by Henry Ford and integrated in 1903 16, June .Apart from the Lincoln and ford brands, He also owns a little stake in Mazda Japan and Martin Aston in the United Kingdom. Fords previous UK subsidiaries Land Rover and Jaguar They were sold to Tata Motors of India in the year 2008 March. He also sold Volvo to Geely Automobile in 2010 and in the end of 2010 discontinued the Mercury brand.He is the next main auto producer in the U. S and fifth-biggest in the planet basing on yearly vehicle sales in the year 2010. By the end of 2010, he was the fifth largest automaker in Europe. He is the eighth-ranked overall company based in American than any other automaker.IS consists of input, output processing, and feedback. It helps to produce the information that relations need to get improved decision-making, solving the problem, operations controlling, and new products creation or services.It assists a business as they contain major information about an exacting customer, place, and event that take place in the institute or the surroundings. IS are not always relevant for smaller stores as compared to larger corporations.FORD MARKETING STRATEGYFord has spent the past three years engaging clientele using an impressive, prog ressive digital marketing policy. The carmakers hard work is paying off: Fords U.S. sales are up nearly 22 percent in this year. Thats twice the increase rate of the industry as a whole, reported the Reuters recently.Appreciation to the companys obligation to creating significant relationships with clients, capital, and employing online marketer’s .Ford has rapidly become a leading brand name within the instant marketing and collective intermediate places.Forth has in the recent passed used innovative methods that include Face-book, Twitter, YouTube and other content online strategies. As a consequence, it has been able to meet its PR needs and thereby unifying its messages and convincing a clientele that continues to remain loyal through the strategy of “accessibility and transparency”. This has let to Ford attracting consumer interest in its brand.The results of this strategy has been very effective and according to Ford’s Head of Marketing, Jim Farley, Clients are spendin g more of their time with their cellular phone, smart phone or in the internet  as they are watching  over TV now, so our promotion dollars can  flow to where the general public people are, Farley told Reuters. The objective, he clarified, is to effectively break into their globallyThe Ford approach shows that one must understand the perception of the public about ones brand, the need to change it as time demands, and the eagerness to try sensible method to achieve your goals. He was inventive enough to see the need and chance in marketing using the digital technology. Of its total budget, Ford uses, 25 percent on digital technology and media, reports Reuters.Ford designs messages to reach diverse audience and target consumers using these various technologies like MyFord Touch System for entertainment, navigation and communications in its campaign activities which include, among others, YouTube.The Ford Motor Company online publicity is also focused reaching the right customers a nd consumers. The brand, for instance, connects with the technology savvy, which watch and do listening “This Week in Tech, a very popular technology programs on the web. They promote technology driven products such as MyFord Touch.Ford also leverages its relationships and social networks through innovations like bloggers. In 2009, the company established these networks and linkages with opinion shapers and entertainers to promote the release of its Fiesta subcompact car in the U.S. The company used the accessible to all Face book forums to present new product features to potential fans much ahead of traditional press such as car shows.The lessons we can learn from the Ford example is that a good strategy is to present a relevant message wherever the clientele or consumers are and where they socialize and they will be able enhance the message to great advantage. The strategy has worked for the Ford Motors brand image since it was launched.   ALG points out that, an organization th at follows purchaser awareness, Ford Vehicles “take a lead in all brands and perceived quality since 2008,” reported Reuters. Everybody is part of in instant marketing, purchaser auto confer with expert Vogelheim Charlie told Reuters. The magnitude that Ford is doing it, packaging it around events and utilizes the media with its initiate, with the purpose where the Ford is always leadingLooking where to BUY AN ESSAY?Save your time and money! Use professionals service to get an A+ paper Place an order get 15%offfor your first orderUse of information systems in a marketing strategyRegardless of customer’s prize tailored service, cutting edge products, or haste and effectiveness, a corporation/company should select a functional model and technology so as to support one of its selected worth discipline.For any company to endure in the coming future, they must be able to provide more of what their customers’ value the most early enough earlier than the op position can. The operating model of a company should be able to support the company’s overall value discipline with a focus that is unwavering, regardless of its personalized price service, speed and the efficiency of the operations and its leading edge products. There are various needs for the uses of information systems in an organization that is growing and competitive in the market. Information systems are used especially in the marketing strategy in order to cut a niche in the motor market. Information systems can make a company is able to create value for its customers in places that matters the most.Information systems are very crucial in designing a marketing strategy because curbs the intense competition in the motor industry. There is a lot of competition in the industry and it is just the use of information systems that can give a company an upper hand over the other. Information systems makes the company be more effective and efficient in their marketing operations.In formation technology can reduce the operating cost of the company. This is because, the use of IS reduces the bulkiness of the information to be conveyed and reduce the time that needs to be spent designing the marketing materials. They save on the time spent on creating marketing materials and thus give the company an added advantage in doing other things that adds value to the organizations operations.It is therefore, clear that the Ford Motors have employed this marketing strategy to be able to maintain the motor market worldwide. For example, the creation of 3D images for advertising makes the products of the company look real and attractive. The customers will be attracted to the images that are portrayed and would want to buy such products and be associated with them.The globalization of business operations in the Motor industry has changed over a very long time. The world has become really small and the pace at which things operate is very fast. Companies have realized the ne ed to use technology in order to capture the market need. It is only through the use of the emerging Medias like the internet and television that a company will be able to reach a wide range of customers. The Ford Motors have employed such strategies and this has enabled them maintain their niche and reach a wider range of people.For organizational change, there is a paramount need for any growing company. The Ford Company was established in 1903 at an era that technology was inconsequential, but in this age of technology and information systems, the Ford Company is still moving strong and still maintaining its market share. It is due to the effective and efficient marketing department that is vigilant with the changes in the society. It has been able to arrest the changes that are occurring in the environment and being able to incorporate it to the company.The generational change in the organizations personnel is one of the crucial ways of adopting technology. The continuous proces s of recruitment is very important. It enables the company to hire young generations that are vast with the technology system. They bring in innovativeness and creativity and as such they are able to bring new idea to the marketing strategies. They are able to put in new blood and the life that is required to be able to attract the people of the 21st generation who are the most consumers today.  (Currie, 1999)They young generation are said to be the most consumer, their lifestyle is very fancy and need the use of accessories that gives the motor industry the market. It is just up to the motor industry to reach to the relevant consumers by designing a marketing strategy that appeal to the target clients.With technology revolution today, any company should be at par with it in order to make an impact in the business world. For the Ford Motors, has been able to employ all these strategies in order to maintain its share. The 21st century is one of rapid technology were everything has t o be fast and reach the target market in good time when the information is still relevant.The technologies changes with time and the Ford Motors have been able to change do this with time. They have been able to ensure quality assurance in all their products via information systems and have been able to meet consumers worldwide. They have a watchdog that its main work is to monitor the trends in the relevant industry and report to the marketing department so that they can be able to take the relevant measures.For a lot of organizations, one of the initial steps is often the hardest and requires valour, doggedness, and self-assurance to determine what customer truthfully value. If the merchandise and forces that companies are equipped to make available are not in synch with purchaser requirements, they have got to be transformed.In other words Information Systems (IS) is a scientific field of study that address the variety of strategic, administrative and operational tricks concerned in the meeting, dispensation, storing, supply and use of information, and the linked technology, in the social order and institution. The term information systems used to portray an organizational purpose that relates IS facts in manufacturing, government organizations and not-for-profit institution. IS is often referred to the communication between algorithmic procedure and know-how. This communication can take place inside or crossways managerial limits.An information system is not simply the technology an organization or institution uses, but also how the organizations work together with the machinery and the how the technologies operates with the organization’s business procedure.ConclusionInformation systems are put into practice inside an organization for the reason of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of that organization. The capabilities of the IS and uniqueness of the organization, its work systems, its employees, and its progress and achievement methodologies mutually verify the degree to which that principle is achieved.Marketing management relies on a variety of technology inside the range of its promotion efforts. Computer-based information systems can be engaged, aiding in improved dispensation and storage space of information. Marketing researchers   use the systems to invent improved methods of translating data into information, and for the formation of improved statistics gathering technique. Information technology also aid in ornamental an MKIS software and hardware mechanism, and advance a companys selling decision-making procedures.Ford, as a company, has dedicated a lot of time and money in improving superiority within their operation as and their products. They recognized the overseas car makers were see to be much more technically sophisticated and had achieved a point of superiority than the American car makers. Hen also discovered that they were not able to keep up with the rapidly changing technology and not competent to meet up the order for new and innovative car plan. By focusing on Quality, Ford is now able to react more quickly to consumer demands because they can manufacture their product more efficiently without sacrifice manufactured goods values.He is very efficient at targeting their announcement for their viewing spectators. When developing advertisement for the Ford Probe, Ford consulted with a psychologist who bases produce color advice on the theory that confident colors and shades appeal to women more than men. Based on the proposal presented by the psychologist, Ford ran announcement with hot red tinted cars for gents and cooler highlighted cars for women. Through their advertisements, Ford is announces that they have attained a high level of excellence and their goods are technologically superior.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Essay about The Importance of Settings in Great Expectations

The Importance of Settings in Great Expectations The purpose of setting is to provide a physical background for the narrative and it must enhance or advance the plot. In â€Å"Great Expectations† Dickens has varied and contrasted his settings (on purpose), to make the changes in characters personalities more appropriate. For example Pip goes from a poor, working class boy from the marshes, to a socialite of the upper class who is arrogant and proud in London. In his choice of setting Dickens has made sure that his settings tie in with his characters social class, he has done this with Jaggers the lawyer who lives in London, Wemmick his assistant who lives in a quiet, small, eccentric urban house and the Gargery’s in their†¦show more content†¦The marshes not only complimented the early characters but created a mood of fear, expectation and danger, This not only suited the character of the convict, but also grabbed the attention of the reader early and was probably used by Dickens to capture a core base of fans to his series and an exciting and scary opening is one way to do that. In Satis house Dickens creates an atmosphere of decay and age and a mood of deceit and hatred combined with a lifeless tone. The idea of Satis House was probably used to contrast the forge but also create mystery, intrigue and curiosity. All of which can be associated with the inhabitants of the house, Miss Havisham and Estella, again the setting complements these twisted characters personalities and lifestyles. Also the build up and anticipation Pip and the reader feels towards the look of Satis House are very different to the shocking mess, which was to be found Pip actually arrived there. Although subtle through his settings, Dickens left clues about each characters background through each setting e.g. the clocks stopping at a certain time in Satis house, was when Miss Havisham heart was broken and in the churchyard was where Pips relatives were buried. When Pip enters London we see a major contrast in setting. PipShow MoreRelated Importance of Setting in Great Expectations Essay3386 Words   |  14 PagesImportance of Setting in Great Expectations      Ã‚   Charles Dickens viewed London as a place of economic competition and death. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Agitation And Mood In People With Dementia - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 923 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2018/12/27 Category Medicine Essay Type Research paper Level High school Did you like this example? Analyzing a research using a CASP critical appraisal tool 1. Did the trial address a clearly focused issue? The trial addressed a clearly focused issue because the population covered was old people who were aged between seventy-four years and one hundred and their years (Moyle et al. 2014). The mean age was eighty-five years and a half. The group used to so the research are people who have a common characteristic which is, all of them have dementia which is either mild or severe. The samples also have a common characteristic which they all have an agitated behavior. Therefore, the research was explicitly addressed. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Agitation And Mood In People With Dementia" essay for you Create order 2. Was there a randomization of the assignment of patients to treatments? The assignment was randomized (Moyle et al. 2014). Election of participants was from a sample of sixty. Then blocks were developed, and six samples were taken from every block. Selection of six participants per group is intended to balance the equation of the size of the sample. Every block was equal, and the selection of equal sample was a way that increased the possibility of having examples that are not determined by the researcher depending on their interest but because they have a common characteristic which is dementia that is either mild or severe. Participants were identified using a computer program. However not all of them who completed the process since some died before the research was over. 3. Did the research account for all the patients who participated in the research properly at the conclusion? The patients who were used in the analysis were properly accounted for because the entire participant went through the same process (Moyle et al. 2014). None of the participants completes the process before the other, and they all went through the same process. All the patients went through a two-treatment and two sequence process until they reached the end. All the participants went through treatment at the same time. Equal treatment reduced the chances of bias. However, some of the participants died before the final results of the research were recorded. 4. Were patients, health workers, and study personnel blind to treatment? The patients, health worker, and study personnel were not given a chance to know the results of the process (Moyle et al. 2014). The trained assistants were not talking to the participants who took part in the process. The assistants never made any physical contact with the participants. The assistant was ordered not to make any indication or act in a way that would influence the results of the research. No deliberate communication either through touching or conversation was allowed to take place between the participants and the assistants. 5. Were the characteristics of the group the same at the start of the trial? The groups used in the research were not equal. The study had more women compared to men (Moyle et al. 2014). The average age was eighty-sixed, and a half but the research involved people who had different ages. The research also involved participant who has enough support and verbal agitation. But they all had a common behavior which was agitation. 6. Howe was the group treated in addition to the experimental intervention, and was there some equality? The participants were treated equally during the massage sessions, and every foot was massaged for five minutes (Moyle et al. 2014). Massage therapists did the message to all participants. The massage therapists included gliding, light pressure massage, flexion and rhythmical strokes in their massage activities. The quiet treatment was also the same among all participants, and it took ten minutes for every participant. (B) What are the results? There was an increase in agitation in the quiet test and the massage session (Moyle et al. 2014). The increase was higher in the quiet presence, and it was low in massage participants. Those in quiet presence reported an increase in alertness while those participating in massage reported a reduction in alertness. 7. How large was the treatment effect? The outcome effect was big because it measured the following: CMIA Total, CMAI physical non-aggression, CMAI physical aggression, CMAI verbal non-aggression, CMAI verbal aggression, OERS anger, OERS anxiety, OERS pleasure, OERS sadness, and OERS general alertness. All the outcomes were clearly specified in a table (Moyle et al. 2014). 8. How precise was the estimate of the treatment effect? Estimation of the process was high because the participants and the assistants were able to maintain confidentiality and nobody influence the results by releasing some crucial information (Moyle et al. 2014). All samples were collected based on the fact that their age was in the required age group and no communication took place among the participants and the assistants as they went through the quiet presence and massage processes. 10. Were all clinically important outcomes considered? The results ought to have provided information on the results that could be achieved if the quiet participation and massage sessions varied depending on the degree of dementia and whether age and gender affected the alertness (Moyle et al. 2014). However, the lacking details do not affect my decision. 11. Were the benefits of the research worth the harms and costs? The results were worth the cost. The researcher got to know how people with dementia reach to quit presence and to a massage (Moyle et al. 2014). It can be used to support further research in future. The results can also be used to backup some argument. Reference Moyle, W, Cooke, M, Beattie, E, Shum, D, O`Dwyer, S Barrett, S 2014, Foot massage versus quiet presence on agitation and mood in people with dementia: a randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies, v. 51, pp.856-864

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Crystal Shard 6. Bryn Shander Free Essays

string(157) " his attention on the two most powerful spokesmen, Cassius of Bryn Shander and Kemp of Targos, as they sat at the head of the rectangular table and chatted\." Bryn Shander was unlike any of the other communities of Ten-Towns. Its proud pennant flew high from the top of a hill in the middle of the dry tundra between the three lakes, just south of the southern tip of the dwarven valley. No ships flew the flags of this city, and it had no docks on any of the lakes, yet there was little argument that it was not only the geographical hub of the region but the center of activity as well. We will write a custom essay sample on The Crystal Shard 6. Bryn Shander or any similar topic only for you Order Now This was where the major merchant caravans from Luskan put in, where the dwarves came to trade, and where the vast majority of craftsman, scrimshanders, and scrimshaw evaluators, were housed. Proximity to Bryn Shander was second only to the quantity of fish hooked in determining the success and size of the fishing towns. Thus, Termalaine and Targos on the southeastern banks of Maer Dualdon, and Caer-Konig and Caer-Dineval on the western shores of Lac Dinneshere, four towns less than a day’s journey from the principle city, were the dominant towns on the lakes. High walls surrounded Bryn Shander, as much protection from the biting wind as from invading goblins or barbarians. Inside, the buildings were similar to those of the other towns: low, wooden structures, except that in Bryn Shander they were more tightly packed together and often subdivided to house several families. Congested as it was, though, there was a measure of comfort and security in the city, the largest taste of civilization a person could find for four hundred long and desolate miles. Regis always enjoyed the sounds and smells that greeted him when he walked through the iron-bound wooden gates on the northern wall of the principle city. Though on a smaller scale than the great cities of the south, the bustle and shouts of Bryn Shander’s open markets and plentiful street vendors reminded him of his days back in Calimport. And, as in Calimport, the people of Bryn Shander’s streets were a cross-section of every heritage that the Realms had to offer. Tall, dark-skinned desert folk mingled among fair-skinned travelers from the Moonshaes. The loud boasts of swarthy southerners and robust mountain men trading fanciful tales of love and battle in one of the many taverns echoed on nearly every street corner. And Regis took it all in, for though the location was changed, the noise remained the same. If he closed his eyes as he skipped along down one of the narrow streets he could almost recapture the zest for life that he had known those years before in Calimport. This time, though, the halfling’s business was so grave that it dampened even his ever-lifted spirits. He had been horrified at the drow’s grim news and was nervous about being the messenger who would deliver it to the council. Away from the noisy market section of the city, Regis passed the palatial home of Cassius, the spokesman of Bryn Shander. This was the largest and most luxurious building in all of Ten-Towns, with a columned front and bas-relief artwork adorning all of its walls. It had originally been built for the meetings of the ten spokesmen, but as interest in the councils had died away, Cassius, skilled in diplomacy and not above using strong-arm tactics, had appropriated the palace as his official residence and moved the council hall to a vacant warehouse tucked away in a remote corner of the city. Several of the other spokesmen had complained about the change, but though the fishing towns could often exert some influence on the principle city in matters of public concern, they had little recourse in an issue as trivial to the general populace as this. Cassius understood his city’s position well and knew how to keep most of the other communities under his thumb. The militia of Bryn Shan der could defeat the combined forces of any five of the other nine towns combined, and Cassius’s officers held a monopoly on connections to the necessary marketplace in the south. The other spokesmen might grumble about the change in the meeting place, but their dependence on the principle city would prevent them from taking any actions against Cassius. Regis was the last to enter the small hall. He looked around at the nine men who had gathered at the table and realized how out of place he truly was. He had been elected spokesman because nobody else in Lonelywood cared enough to want to sit on the council, but his peers had attained their positions through valorous and heroic deeds. They were the leaders of their communities, the men who had organized the structure and defenses of the towns. Each of these spokesmen had seen a score of battles and more, for goblin and barbarian raiders descended upon Ten-Towns more often than sunny days. It was a simple rule of life in Icewind Dale that if you couldn’t fight, you couldn’t survive, and the spokesmen of the council were some of the most proficient fighters in all of Ten-Towns. Regis had never been intimidated by the spokesmen before because normally he had nothing to say at council. Lonelywood, a secluded town hidden away in a small, thick wood of fir trees, asked for nothing from anyone. And with an insignificant fishing fleet, the other three towns it shared Maer Dualdon with imposed no demands upon it. Regis never offered an opinion unless pressed and had been careful always to cast his vote on an issue in the way of the general consensus. And if the council was split on an issue, Regis simply followed the lead of Cassius. In Ten-Towns, one couldn’t go wrong by following Bryn Shander. This day, though, Regis found that he was intimidated by the council. The grim news that he bore would make him vulnerable to their bullying tactics and often angry reprisals. He focused his attention on the two most powerful spokesmen, Cassius of Bryn Shander and Kemp of Targos, as they sat at the head of the rectangular table and chatted. You read "The Crystal Shard 6. Bryn Shander" in category "Essay examples" Kemp looked the part of rugged frontiersman: not too tall but barrel-chested, with gnarled and knotted arms, and a stern demeanor that frightened friend and foe alike. Cassius, though, hardly seemed a warrior. He was small of frame, with neatly trimmed gray hair and a face that never showed a hint of beard stubble. His big, bright blue eyes forever seemed locked into an inner contentment. But anyone who had ever seen the spokesman from Bryn Shander raise a sword in battle or maneuver his charges on the field had no doubts concerning his fighting prowess or his bravery. Regis truly liked the man, yet he was always careful not to fall into a situation that left him vulnerable. Cassius had earned a reputation for getting what he wanted at another’s expense. â€Å"Come to order,† Cassius commanded, rapping his gavel on the table. The host spokesman always opened the meeting with the Formalities of Order, readings of titles and official proposals that had originally been intended to give the council an aura of importance, impressing especially the ruffians that sometimes showed up to speak for the more remote communities. But now, with the degeneration of the council as a whole, the Formalitites of Order served only to delay the end of the meeting, to the regret of all ten spokesmen. Consequently, the Formalities were pared down more and more each time the group gathered, and there had even been talk of eliminating them altogether. When the list had finally been completed, Cassius turned to the important issues. â€Å"The first item on the agenda,† he said, hardly glancing at the notes that were laid out before him, â€Å"concerns the territorial dispute between the sister cities, Caer-Konig and Caer-Dineval, on Lac Dinneshere. I see that Dorim Lugar of Caer-Konig has brought the documents that he promised at the last meeting, so I turn the floor over to him. Spokesman Lugar.† Dorim Lugar, a gaunt, dark-complected man whose eyes never seemed to stop darting about nervously, nearly leaped out of his chair when he was introduced. â€Å"I have in my hand,† he yelled, his upraised fist closed about an old parchment, â€Å"the original agreement between Caer-Konig and Caer-Dineval, signed by the leaders of each town,† he shot an accusing finger in the direction of the spokesman from Caer-Dineval, â€Å"including your own signature, Jensin Brent!† â€Å"An agreement signed during a time of friendship and in the spirit of good will,† retorted Jensin Brent, a younger, golden-haired man with an innocent face that often gave him an advantage over people who judged him naive. â€Å"Unroll the parchment, Spokesman Lugar, and let the council view it. They shall see that it makes no provisions whatsoever for Easthaven.† He looked around at the other spokesmen. â€Å"Easthaven could hardly be called even a hamlet when the agreement to divide the lake in half was signed,† he explained, and not for the first time. â€Å"They had not a single boat to put in the water.† â€Å"Fellow spokesmen!† Dorim Lugar yelled, jolting some of them from the lethargy that had already begun to creep in. This same debate had dominated the last four councils with no ground gained by either side. The issue held little importance or interest for any but the two spokesmen and the spokesman from Easthaven. â€Å"Surely Caer-Konig cannot be blamed for the rise of Easthaven,† pleaded Dorim Lugar. â€Å"Who could have foreseen the Eastway?† he asked, referring to the straight and smooth road that Easthaven had constructed to Bryn Shander. It was an ingenious move and proved a boon to the small town on the southeastern corner of Lac Dinneshere. Combining the appeal of a remote community with easy access to Bryn Shander had made Easthaven the fastest growing community in all of Ten-Towns, with a fishing fleet that had swelled to nearly rival the boats of Caer-Dineval. â€Å"Who indeed?† retorted Jensin Brent, now a bit of fluster showing through his calm facade. â€Å"It is obvious that Easthaven’s growth has put Caer-Dineval in stiff competition for the southern waters of the lake, while Caer-Konig sails freely in the northern half. Yet Caer-Konig has flatly refused to renegotiate the original terms to compensate for the imbalance! We cannot prosper under such conditions!† Regis knew that he had to act before the argument between Brent and Lugar got out of control. Two previous meetings had been adjourned because of their volatile debates, and Regis couldn’t let this council disintegrate before he had told them of the impending barbarian attack. He hesitated, having to admit to himself once again that he had no options and could not back away from this urgent mission; his haven would be destroyed if he said nothing. Although Drizzt had reassured him of the power he possessed, he retained his doubts about the true magic of the stone. Yet due to his own insecurity, a trait common among little folk, Regis found himself blindly trusting in Drizzt’s judgment. The drow was possibly the most knowledgeable person he had ever known, with a list of experiences far beyond the tales that Regis could tell. Now was the time for action, and the halfling was determined to give the drow’s plan a try. He closed his fingers around the little wooden gavel that was set out on the table before him. It felt unfamiliar to his touch, and he realized then that this was the first time that he had ever used the instrument. He tapped it lightly on the wooden table, but the others were intent on the shouting match that had erupted between Lugar and Brent. Regis reminded himself of the urgency of the drow’s news once again and boldly pounded the gavel down. The other spokesmen turned immediately to the halfling, blank expressions stamped upon their faces. Regis rarely spoke at the meetings, and then only when cornered with a direct question. Cassius of Bryn Shander brought his heavy gavel down. â€Å"The council recognizes Spokesman†¦uh†¦the spokesman from Lonelywood,† he said, and from his uneven tone Regis could guess that he had struggled to address the halfling’s request for the floor seriously. â€Å"Fellow spokesmen,† Regis began tentatively, his voice cracking into a squeak. â€Å"With all due respect to the seriousness of the debate between the spokesmen from Caer-Dineval and Caer-Konig, I believe that we have a more urgent problem to discuss.† Jensin Brent and Dorim Lugar were livid at being interrupted, but the others eyed the halfling curiously. Good start, Regis thought, I’ve got their full attention. He cleared his throat, trying to steady his voice and sound a bit more impressive. â€Å"I have learned beyond doubt that the barbarian tribes are gathering for a united attack on Ten-Towns!† Though he tried to make the announcement dramatic, Regis found himself facing nine apathetic and confused men. â€Å"Unless we form an alliance,† Regis continued in the same urgent tones, â€Å"the horde will overrun our communities one by one, slaughtering any who dare to oppose them!† â€Å"Certainly, Spokesman Regis of Lonelywood,† said Cassius in a voice he meant to be calming but was, in effect, condescending, â€Å"we have weathered barbarian raids before. There is no need for†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Not like this one!† Regis cried. â€Å"All of the tribes have come together. The raids before matched one tribe against one city, and usually we fared well. But how would Termalaine or Caer-Konig – or even Bryn Shander – stand against the combined tribes of Icewind Dale?† Some of the spokesmen settled back into their chairs to contemplate the halfling’s words; the rest began talking among themselves, some in distress, some in angry disbelief. Finally Cassius pounded his gavel again, calling the hall to silence. Then, with familiar bravado, Kemp of Targos slowly rose from his seat. â€Å"May I speak, friend Cassius?† he asked with unnecessary politeness. â€Å"Perhaps I may be able to put this grave pronouncement in the proper light.† Regis and Drizzt had made some assumptions about alliances when they had planned the halfling’s actions at this council. They knew that Easthaven, founded and thriving on the principle of brotherhood among the communities of Ten-Towns, would openly embrace the concept of a common defense against the barbarian horde. Likewise Termalaine and Lonelywood, the two most accessible and raided towns of the ten, would gladly accept any offers of help. Yet even Spokesman Agorwal of Termalaine, who had so much to gain from a defensive alliance, would hedge and hold his silence if Kemp of Targos refused to accept the plan. Targos was the largest and mightiest of the nine fishing villages, with a fleet more than twice the size of Termalaine’s, the second largest. â€Å"Fellow members of the council,† Kemp began, leaning forward over the table to loom larger in the eyes of his peers. â€Å"Let us learn more of the halfling’s tale before we begin to worry. We have fought off barbarian invaders and worse enough times to be confident that the defenses of even the smallest of our towns are adequate.† Regis felt his tension growing as Kemp rolled into his speech, building on points designed to destroy the halfling’s credibility. Drizzt had decided early on in their planning that Kemp of Targos was the key, but Regis knew the spokesman better than the drow and knew that Kemp would not be easily manipulated. Kemp illustrated the tactics of the powerful town of Targos in his own mannerisms. He was large and bullying, often taking to sudden fits of violent rage that intimidated even Cassius. Regis had tried to steer Drizzt away from this part of their plan, but the drow was adamant. â€Å"If Targos agrees to accept the alliance with Lonelywood,† Drizzt had reasoned, â€Å"Termalaine will gladly join and Bremen, being the only other village on the lake, will have no choice but to go along. Bryn Shander will certainly not oppose a unified alliance of the four towns on the largest and most prosperous lake, and Easthaven will make six in the pact, a clear majority.† The rest would then have no choice but to join in the effort. Drizzt had believed that Caer-Dineval and Caer-Konig, fearing that Easthaven would receive special consideration in future councils, would put on a blusterous show of loyalty, hoping themselves to gain favor in the eyes of Cassius. Good Mead and Dougan’s Hole, the two towns on Redwaters, though relatively safe from an invasion from the north, would not dare to stand apart from the other eight communities. But all of this was merely hopeful speculation, as Regis clearly realized when he saw Kemp glaring at him from across the table. Drizzt had conceded the point that the greatest obstacle in forming the alliance would be Targos. In its arrogance, the powerful town might believe that it could withstand any barbarian raid. And if it did manage to survive, the destruction of some of its competitors might actually prove profitable. â€Å"You say only that you have learned of an invasion,† Kemp began. â€Å"Where could you have gathered this valuable and, no doubt, hard to find information?† Regis felt sweat beading on his temples. He knew where Kemp’s question would lead, but there was no way that he could avoid the truth. â€Å"From a friend who often travels the tundra,† he answered honestly. â€Å"The drow?† Kemp asked. With his neck bent up and Kemp towering over him, Regis found himself quickly placed on the defensive. The halfling’s father had once warned him that he would always be at a disadvantage when dealing with humans because they physically had to look down when speaking to him, as they would to their own children. At times like this, the words of his father rang painfully true to Regis. He wiped a bead of moisture from his upper lip. â€Å"I cannot speak for the rest of you,† Kemp continued, adding a chuckle to place the halfling’s grave warning in an absurd light, â€Å"but I have too much serious work to do to go into hiding on the words of a drow elf!† Again the burly spokesman laughed, and this time he was not alone. Agorwal of Termalaine offered some unexpected assistance to the halfling’s failing cause. â€Å"Perhaps we should let the spokesman from Lonelywood continue. If his words are true†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"His words are the echoes of a drow’s lies!† Kemp snarled. â€Å"Pay them no heed. We have fought off the barbarians before, and – â€Å" But then Kemp, too, was cut short as Regis suddenly sprang up on the council table. This was the most precarious part of Drizzt’s plan. The drow had shown faith in it, describing it matter-of-factly, as though it would pose no problems. But Regis felt impending disaster hovering all about him. He clasped his hands behind his back and tried to appear in control so that Cassius wouldn’t take any immediate actions against his unusual tactics. During Agorwal’s diversion, Regis had slipped the ruby pendant out from under his waistcoat. It sparkled on his chest as he walked up and down, treating the table as though his personal stage. â€Å"What do you know of the drow to jest of him so?† he demanded of the others, pointedly Kemp. â€Å"Can any of you name a single person that he has harmed? No! You chastise him for the crimes of his race, yet have none of you ever considered that Drizzt Do’Urden walks among us because he has rejected the ways of his people?† The silence in the hall convinced Regis that he had either been impressive or absurd. In any case, he was not so arrogant or foolish to think his little speech sufficient to accomplish the task. He walked over to face Kemp. This time he was the one looking down, but the spokesman from Targos seemed on the verge of exploding into laughter. Regis had to act quickly. He bent down slightly and raise his hand to his chin, by appearance to scratch an itch though in truth to set the ruby pendant spinning, tapping with his arm as it passed. He then held the silence of the moment patiently and counted as Drizzt had instructed. Ten seconds passed and Kemp had not blinked. Drizzt had said that this would be enough, but Regis, surprised and apprehensive at the ease with which he had accomplished the task, let another ten go by before he dared begin testing the drow’s beliefs. â€Å"Surely you can see the wisdom of preparing for an attack,† Regis suggested calmly. Then in a whisper that only Kemp could hear he added, â€Å"These people look to you for guidance, great Kemp. A military alliance would only enhance your stature and influence.† The effect was dazzling. â€Å"Perhaps there is more to the halfling’s words than we first believed,† Kemp said mechanically, his glazed eyes never leaving the ruby. Stunned, Regis straightened up and quickly slipped the stone back under his waistcoat. Kemp shook his head though clearing a confusing dream from his thoughts, as he rubbed his dried eyes. The spokesman from Targos couldn’t seem to recall the last few moments, but the hafling’s suggestion was planted deeply into his mind. Kemp found, to his own amazement, that his attitudes had changed. â€Å"We should hear well the words of Regis,† he declared loudly. â€Å"For we shall be none the worse from forming such an alliance, yet the consequences of doing nothing may prove to be grave, indeed!† Quick to seize an advantage, Jensin Brent leaped up from his chair. â€Å"Spokesman Kemp speaks wisely,† he said. â€Å"Number the people of Caer-Dineval, ever proponents of the united efforts of Ten-Towns, among the army that shall repel the horde!† The rest of the spokesmen lined up behind Kemp as Drizzt had expected, with Dorim Lugar making an even bigger show of loyalty than Brent’s. Regis had much to be proud of when he left the council hall later that day, and his hopes for the survival of Ten-Towns had returned. Yet the halfling found his thoughts consumed by the implications of the power he had discovered in his ruby. He worked to figure the most failsafe way in which he could turn this new-found power of inducing cooperation into profit and comfort. â€Å"So nice of the Pasha Pook to give me this one!† he told himself as he walked through the front gate of Bryn Shander and headed for the appointed spot where he would meet with Drizzt and Bruenor. How to cite The Crystal Shard 6. Bryn Shander, Essay examples

Monday, May 4, 2020

Contract in a Business Situation

Question: Be able to apply the elements of a contract in a business situationNow that you understand the principles of liability in negligence in business activities. You need to apply the elements of the tort of negligence and defences in different business situations. You need to give example of business situations and then apply the elements of the tort of negligence and defences in those situations. Include examples from academic sources and use proper referencing.Mr. Jawad is an executive director of a company. He hired Mr. Owais to conduct and establish his business in United Kingdom and assigned him the responsibility to spread it the European countries. But instead of expanding the business, he has even failed to properly establish it in UK. The reason Owais postulated was his severe and sudden illness, but he didn't inform the company in three months despite his normal correspondence with the company. Under the circumstances, whether Mr. Owais will be held for negligence in the busine ss or his defence shall be entertained by the Court. You need to apply the elements of vicarious liability in this situation.As a legal advisor in the above stated Scenario, explain the nature of liability in negligence and inform the parties in this case of what legal options may be available to them Explain how a business can be vicariously liable and advise Mr. Jawad if they have a claim against Mr Owais for Vicarious Liability. Answer: Relevant Laws: Liability in negligence In the tort of negligence, the liability is imposed upon the wrongdoer to take due and reasonable care. Secondly, it has to be first observed in negligence, is whether there exists any relationship between the parties. The relationship should be of due and reasonable, care if a person wants to sue the other party for negligence. The parties in the case of negligence may be known to each other or can be strangers. The doctor is known to a patient, but driver of any vehicle is not known to the road user who is injured by him. In Caparo Industries PLC V Dickman 1990 UKHL 2, 2 AC 605 the defendants were not liable as their contract was with the Company. They were auditors of the Company were not liable to the shareholders as potential investors (Review Editor, 2003). Vicarious Liability: It is vicarious liability when wrong is done to a third party by the employee when he is in the employment. Its employer's vicarious liability for the wrongdoing of employees to the third party when he is in employment, For vicarious liability to exist, there has to be an employer employee relationship and the wrong is done during his employment. The employer is directly liable for another way of behaving, conduct and wrongdoing to third parties. In the vicarious liability, the provisions of law of torts apply when the relationship is of employer and employee.It was held in Hollis V/s Vabu Pty Ltd (2001)207 CLR 21 that an employer is vicariously liable for the wrong done by employees when in employment (TAN, 2008). The owner of the car is vicariously liable for the neglected conduct of his driver. The employer is vicariously liable for the acts done by his employee in case of harassment and discrimination. As a legal adviser, it is suggested that Mr Owais was hired to spread Mr Jawad's business in the U.K. and further spread in European countries. It was Mr Owaiss responsibility to do so, but he failed to carry out his responsibilities as he felt sick for three months. He further did not inform Mr Jawad of his illness. He was negligent in carrying out his responsibilities. Thus Mr Jawad can take legal action against Mr Owais for negligence and tort. It is advised to Mr Jawad to initiate legal proceedings against Mr Owais as he is vicariously liable for being negligent in spreading the business and not informing Mr Jawad about his illness. Mr Jawad is also entitled to get damages from Mr Owais for the loss of business for three months. Had Mr. Owais had responsibly spread the business; the Company would have made huge profits. Mr Owais will be held to pay damages for the loss of business due to his negligence. References International Labour Law Reports, E. (2001). AUSTRALIA.International Labour Law Reports Online, 22(1), pp.109-123. Sharkey, C. (2003). Punitive Damages as Societal Damages.The Yale Law Journal, 113(2), p.347. Review Editor, B. (2003). Genestream Pty Ltd.PharmaDeals Review, 2003(40). TAN, S. (2008). Vicarious Liability.Internal Medicine News, 41(24), pp.36-37. Zinn, C. (2002). Australia proposes peer review of alleged negligence cases.BMJ, 325(7364), pp.565-565.